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Are you ready? 5 Tips to Ac(COUNT) for a New you!

Just because another year has gone, it does not mean your goals have disappeared with every bite of chocolate or spoonful of ice cream you consumed instead of healthy treats.

Or maybe you did all the right things and still have not seen the results you desired. You still have time to make it to the finish line. Lifestyle changes are about the journey because the finish line is a continual one not an overnight process. This year, you get a new day each day to decide what you will do, how you will feel and when it is time for a change. NOW!


I see so many clients that “want” to change and honestly, need to change their daily habits. Obesity, diabetes, heart disease and numerous other dis-eases continue to rise due to unhealthy lifestyle choices otherwise known as habits.

What am I Really saying?
You deserve to be the best version of yourself and I want to help you.

First things first, you must be accountable for your health and happiness.

Accountability-the ability to account for one’s actions. According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, accountability is an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility (for one’s actions), (


Here are 5 Tips to Ac(COUNT) for a New you this New Year!
1-Taking personal accountability for our journeys through life is very powerful.

2-Where you are in life is due to the choices you have made along the way.

3-You have an obligation to take care of yourself and it starts with the willingness to change.

4-Too often we want to deflect blame onto other people when things or life do not go our way but this is a self-defense mechanism and it’s a lot easier to make excuses or blame other people for our own shortcomings, bad choices, or lack of action.

But that will NEVER take you were you want to go.

5-For true lasting change and success to occur in our life we must first understand YOU are in charge of your life.

NO ONE can make you eat bad food.
NO ONE can make you miss your workouts
NO ONE else is in charge of your attitude and your effort….


…Not your environment, not your family, not your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend, not your co-workers, not your missed alarm, not the slow traffic…..

The day you realize everything starts and ends with you

is when true change and success can begin.

Take ownership of your life and watch the world Change around YOU!

Written by Jodi

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