At Palm Beach Fit Body Boot Camp, we have had several diabetic patients improve dramatically and/or completely come off their diabetic medications in just a few short weeks of training and nutritional consulting with us. What makes our system so effective and efficient? Can you reverse type 2 diabetes in a short time with a solid nutrition and exercise protocol? Absolutely!
We Follow the Science

We as fitness professionals stay abreast of the most recent evidence-based exercise research….and we modify our practices and exercises to accommodate. Recently, the World Health Organization estimated that more than 1 in 3 Americans deal with some form of diabetes. And the latest research shows that the best way to prevent or reverse type 2 diabetes is with exercise, weight loss, and dietary changes.
Resistance training combined with cardiovascular intensity improves glycemic control, maintains bone mineral density, increases muscular strength, and prevents osteoporosis. Since resistance exercise promotes glucose uptake and increases insulin sensitivity during and after exercise for up to 24 hours, this is extremely beneficial for our diabetic clients. This increased uptake moves glucose (sugar) out of the blood stream and shunts it into the muscle cells where it is used for energy during the workout or stored for future exercise. Keep in mind, all of this is done without needing any assistance from medication. Exercise, thus, becomes the medicine.
Medication, for the most part, is just a temporary Band-Aid. Human beings are not broken by default…if something is metabolically wrong, we need to get to the root cause and find out how to fix what is causing it in the first place. That is why we focus on exercise techniques (changing the cellular metabolism) and dietary consultation (which you can read here).
Diabetic improvements are greatest when exercise programs combine resistance training and cardiovascular exercise; activating and recruiting the most muscle fibers in a short amount of time at a high level of intensity are the key goals for glycemic control. Performing total body training (complex movements like squat with shoulder press, lunge with bicep curl, and deadlift into upright row) 2-3 times a week at 60-80% effort provides the most effective and optimal glucose clearing and post-glycemic control. And since prediabetes and type 2 diabetes can be reversed with exercise, weight loss, and dietary changes – all things that our system at Palm Beach Fit Body Boot Camp incorporates – our clients are seeing drastic results!
With our creative exercises that are multi-joint and whole-body, you will not only improve insulin sensitivity but you will also build strength, have fun, and get a smokin’ hot body!
ADA (American Diabetes Association) 2016. First-of-its-kind PSA campaign targets the 86million American adults with prediabetes.
Carpinelli RN, Otto RM, Winett RA. A Critical Analysis of the ACSM Position Stand on Resistance Training: Insufficient Evidence to Support Recommended Training Protocols. Journal of Exercise Physiology Online 2004;7(3):1-60
Colber, S.R., et al. 2010. Exercise and type 2 diabetes, Diabetes Care, 33 (12), el146-67.
Darden, Ellington. The Nautilus Book: An Illustrated Guide to Physical Fitness The Nautilus Way. Chicago: Contemporary Books, Inc., 1981
Gordon, B.A., et al. 2009. Resistance training improves metabolic health in type 2 diabetes: A systematic review. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 83 (2), 157-75.