I have 2 young boys and also host lots of get togethers and kid sleepovers at mi casa in Costa Rica. It was during a kid sleepover that I looked for the “easiest ” healthy, minimal ingredient cookie recipe that I came across this one and just modified it so it fit us 😉

The kids sleeping over LOVED them, as well as all parents and kids at our get-togethers.
So, I wanted to share!! It is so easy, it’s ridiculous! I made my 11yr old make it from start to finish for our last party and he did a great job and they were fantastic!!
So….here you go…..
All you need is….
1:1:1 nut butter to protein powder to sweetener
So, for example, 1 cup unsweetened almond butter to 1 cup chocolate protein powder to 1 cup of monk fruit sweetener. (here in Costa Rica Pequeno Mundo sells peanut butter with ZERO sugar…so that is what we used and Price Smart [which is the equivalent to Costco in the states] sells chocolate protein powder)
The only other thing is sweetener, which we used monk fruit (bought off amazon) but you can use whatever non-sugar sub you like!
Then 1 tsp of baking powder
And 1 egg.
You are all set!!
We also found Stevia-sweetened chocolate bars at Pequeno Mundo and chopped them up and stuck them on top before we baked them (but totally optional). You can also find them at Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s and just chop them up like we did!
- 1 cup unsweetened almond butter (or peanut butter)
- 1 cup chocolate protein powder
- 1 egg
- 1 cup monk fruit sweetener (or any sugar free substitute)
- 1 tsp baking powder
- Sugar free chocolate chips (optional)
1. Mix protein powder, sweetener, baking powder into a bowl and combine.
2. Mix in nut butter and egg.
3. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line baking sheet with parchment paper, roll batter into balls
4. *Flatten balls with fingers and add chunks of sugar free chocolate on top (optional)
5. Bake at 350 degrees for 8 min, and cool before removing to a container.